1. g (Google)
  2. az (Amazon (Smile URL - for charity))
  3. au (Ask Ubuntu (Stack Exchange))
  4. use (Can I Use (Browser Support Check))
  5. censys (Censys - Domain / Hosting information including origins)
  6. cht (Cheat Sheets / Command References)
  7. pen (Codepen)
  8. csm (Common Sense Media)
  9. dh (DevHints / Cheat Sheets)
  10. fromhome (Directions from home)
  11. fromwork (Directions from work)
  12. dc (Domain Compare (supports the author, no direct search yet))
  13. ddg (DuckDuckGo / With Bang (!) Shortcuts)
  14. bang (DuckDuckGo Search all *Bang*s)
  15. ebay (Ebay)
  16. et (Eggtimer)
  17. etsy (Etsy)
  18. fb (Facebook)
  19. food52 (Food 52)
  20. gh (Github)
  21. cal (Google Calendar)
  22. contacts (Google Contacts)
  23. gdns (Google DNS)
  24. gdD (Google Drive - New Doc)
  25. gdF (Google Drive - New Form)
  26. gdP (Google Drive - New Presentation / Slides)
  27. gdS (Google Drive - New Sheet)
  28. gd (Google Drive Search)
  29. gi (Google Images)
  30. gm (Google Mail (GMail))
  31. gmF (Google Mail (GMail) - Filters)
  32. gmd (Google Mail (GMail) - In Drafts)
  33. gml (Google Mail (GMail) - In Label (specify))
  34. gmt (Google Mail (GMail) - Sent Items)
  35. gmS (Google Mail (GMail) - Settings)
  36. gms (Google Mail (GMail) - Starred Items)
  37. gmu (Google Mail (GMail) - Unread Items)
  38. gmc (Google Mail (GMail) Compose)
  39. map (Google Maps)
  40. psi (Google Page Speed Insights)
  41. translate (Google Translate)
  42. ip (IP Address)
  43. jw (Just Watch)
  44. li (LinkedIn)
  45. mdn (Mozilla Developer Network)
  46. nc (Namecheap Domain Search (supports the author))
  47. nf (Netflix)
  48. penN (New Codepen)
  49. event (New Google Calendar Event)
  50. pi (Pinterest)
  51. qx (Quixer)
  52. qxc (Quixer Config)
  53. rd (Reddit)
  54. sf (Server Fault (Stack Exchange))
  55. so (Stack Overflow (Stack Exchange))
  56. su (Super User (Stack Exchange))
  57. tg (Target)
  58. tw (Twitter)
  59. unix (Unix (Stack Exchange))
  60. wm (Walmart)
  61. wttr (Weather Report / wttr.in)
  62. whois (Whois Lookup - domain ownership / information)
  63. wiki (Wikipedia - online encyclopedia)
  64. yt (YouTube)
  65. ytm (YouTube Music)
  66. ali (AliExpress)
  67. baidu (Baidu)
  68. bili (Bilibili)
  69. bing (Bing)
  70. globo (Globo)
  71. mru (Mail.ru)
  72. naver (Naver)
  73. qq (QQ / Sougou)
  74. rakuten (Rakuten)
  75. tt (TikTok)
  76. twitch (Twitch)
  77. vk (VK)
  78. yahoo (Yahoo)
  79. yandex (Yandex)

Quixer - Search