- g (Google)
- az (Amazon (Smile URL - for charity))
- au (Ask Ubuntu (Stack Exchange))
- use (Can I Use (Browser Support Check))
- censys (Censys - Domain / Hosting information including origins)
- cht (Cheat Sheets / Command References)
- pen (Codepen)
- csm (Common Sense Media)
- dh (DevHints / Cheat Sheets)
- fromhome (Directions from home)
- fromwork (Directions from work)
- dc (Domain Compare (supports the author, no direct search yet))
- ddg (DuckDuckGo / With Bang (!) Shortcuts)
- bang (DuckDuckGo Search all *Bang*s)
- ebay (Ebay)
- et (Eggtimer)
- etsy (Etsy)
- fb (Facebook)
- food52 (Food 52)
- gh (Github)
- cal (Google Calendar)
- contacts (Google Contacts)
- gdns (Google DNS)
- gdD (Google Drive - New Doc)
- gdF (Google Drive - New Form)
- gdP (Google Drive - New Presentation / Slides)
- gdS (Google Drive - New Sheet)
- gd (Google Drive Search)
- gi (Google Images)
- gm (Google Mail (GMail))
- gmF (Google Mail (GMail) - Filters)
- gmd (Google Mail (GMail) - In Drafts)
- gml (Google Mail (GMail) - In Label (specify))
- gmt (Google Mail (GMail) - Sent Items)
- gmS (Google Mail (GMail) - Settings)
- gms (Google Mail (GMail) - Starred Items)
- gmu (Google Mail (GMail) - Unread Items)
- gmc (Google Mail (GMail) Compose)
- map (Google Maps)
- psi (Google Page Speed Insights)
- translate (Google Translate)
- ip (IP Address)
- jw (Just Watch)
- li (LinkedIn)
- mdn (Mozilla Developer Network)
- nc (Namecheap Domain Search (supports the author))
- nf (Netflix)
- penN (New Codepen)
- event (New Google Calendar Event)
- pi (Pinterest)
- qx (Quixer)
- qxc (Quixer Config)
- rd (Reddit)
- sf (Server Fault (Stack Exchange))
- so (Stack Overflow (Stack Exchange))
- su (Super User (Stack Exchange))
- tg (Target)
- tw (Twitter)
- unix (Unix (Stack Exchange))
- wm (Walmart)
- wttr (Weather Report / wttr.in)
- whois (Whois Lookup - domain ownership / information)
- wiki (Wikipedia - online encyclopedia)
- yt (YouTube)
- ytm (YouTube Music)
- ali (AliExpress)
- baidu (Baidu)
- bili (Bilibili)
- bing (Bing)
- globo (Globo)
- mru (Mail.ru)
- naver (Naver)
- qq (QQ / Sougou)
- rakuten (Rakuten)
- tt (TikTok)
- twitch (Twitch)
- vk (VK)
- yahoo (Yahoo)
- yandex (Yandex)
Quixer - Search